徐军古, 男, 1984年生, 研究员, 广西杰出青年基金获得者, 硕士生导师; Email: xujungu@126.com
1. 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目, 21965008, 固态氧化物燃料电池电解质用的Ca12Al14O33基材料的制备、结构、性能及导电机理, 2020/01-2023/12, 40万元, 主持,在研。
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,21601040,ABC3O7 基黄长石氧离子导体的制备、结构、电性能及导电机理研究,2017/01-2019/12, 20万元,主持,已结题。
1.广西自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目,2021GXNSFFA220002,面向中低温固态氧化物燃料电池的高熵电解质材料,2021/12-2025/11, 40万元,主持, 在研。
2. 广西自然科学基金面上项目,2017GXNSFAA198203,钙铝石Ca12Al14O33基氧离子导体材料的制备、结构及电性能研究,2017/09-2020/09, 12万,主持,已结题。
3. 广西自然科学基金青年基金项目,2015GXNSFBA139233,Sr1-xMxSiO3-0.5x (M = K, Na) 材料中导电物相及导电机理研究,2015/09-2018/08,主持,已结题。
[1] Jian Yang, Yun Lv, Xiangyu Xu, Xingping Song, Huina Wei, Man Tian, Jungu Xu*, Remarkably High Proton Conductivity in Cubic Perovskite-related Ba3WO6, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10, 16697-16703. (SCI二区TOP, IF = 14.51)
[2] Qin Cao, Ruiming Qiu, Libin Lei*, Wenda Zhang, Sihao Deng, Jie Chen, Lunhua He, Jungu Xu*, Oxide Ion Conduction, Defect Chemistry, and the Conducting Mechanism in Ruddlesden-Popper La2-xMxBaIn2O7-0.5x (M = Ca, Sr, Ba), ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2022, 5(9), 11213-11222. (SCI三区, IF = 6.96 ).
[3] Yaqiong Guo, Wenbin Guo, Libin Lei, Jungu Xu*, Oxide ion conduction and transporting mechanism in the layered perovskite-related material Sr2Nb2O7, Scripta Materialia, 2022, 221, 114962. (SCI一区TOP, IF = 6.30)
[4] Xiangyu Xu, Jian Yang,Yaqiong Guo, Shuangfeng Wu, Qin Cao, Jiazhen Wu, Jungu Xu*, Phases, Structures, and Electrical Properties of Li-Doped LaNbO4 Materials, Physica Status Solidi A−Applications and Materials Science, 2022, 219(8), 2100748. (SCI四区, IF=2.17)
[5] Shuangfeng Wu, Chunchun Li*, Huina Wei, Xingping Song, Laijun Liu*, Jungu Xu*, Phase evolution, electrical properties, and conductivity mechanism in LiNbWO6, Materials Today Communications, 2022, 33, 104492. (SCI三区, IF = 3.66)
[6] Yun Lv#, Yanming Sun#, Jungu Xu*, Xiangyu Xu, Alberto J. Fernández-Carrión, Tianjie Wei, Huaibo Yi, Xiaojun Kuang*, Phases Evolution, Electrical Properties, and Conducting Mechanism of Ca12Al14-xGaxO33 (0 ≤ x ≤ 14) Ceramics Synthesized by Glass Crystallization Method, Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 60, 2446-2456. (SCI二区Top, IF = 5.165)
[7] Jungu Xu*, Xiangyu Xu, Huaibo Yi, Yun Lv, Nansheng Xu, Lunhua He, Jie Chen, Xiaojun Kuang*, Kevin Huang*, Electrical Properties, Defect Structures, and Ionic Conducting Mechanisms in Alkali Tungstate Li2W2O7, Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 60, 8631-8639. (SCI二区Top, IF = 5.165)
[8] Caige Liu, Shuangfeng Wu, Changzhi Yin, Jungu Xu*, Ying Xiong, Laijun Liu*, Jibran Khaliq, Chunchun Li*, Phase transformation and ionic conductivity mechanism of a low-temperature sintering semiconductor Na2CaV4O12, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 886, 161259. (SCI二区Top, IF = 5.316)
[9] Tianjie Wei, Jungu Xu*, Wenfeng Zhu*, New apatite-type oxide ion conductors Ce9.33+xSi6O26+δ: Structures, phase stabilities, electrical properties, and conducting mechanisms, Energy Science & Engineering, 2021, 10(2), 525-537. (SCI三区, IF = 4.17)
[10] Shipeng Geng, Alberto J. Fernández-Carrión, Jungu Xu*, Huaibo Yi, Yun Lv, Xiaojun Kuang*, Electrical Properties and Oxide Ion Conducting Mechanism in Na-doped LaPO4, Scripta Materialia, 2020, 178, 527-532. (SCI二区, IF = 5.611)
[11] Yun Lv, Shipeng Geng, Tianjie Wei, Junwei Liu, Xiangyu Xu, Huaibo Yi, Jungu Xu*, Effects of Sn Doping and A-Site Deficiency on the Phases and Electrical Conductivities of the High-Temperature Proton Conductor LaNbO4, Physica Status Solidi B, 2020, 2000110. (SCI四区, IF = 1.710)
[12] Yun Lv, Huaibo Yi, Tianjie Wei, Junwei Liu, Xiangyu Xu, Jungu Xu*, Electrical properties of Ca12Al14O33 synthesised through polymer assisted deposition and glass crystallization routes, RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 35803-35810. (SCI三区, IF = 3.361)
[13] Huaibo Yi, Yun Lv, Yanhui Wang, Xue Fang, Victoria Mattick, Jungu Xu*, Ga-doped Ca12Al14O33 mayenite oxide ion conductors: synthesis, defects, and electrical properties, RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 3809-3815. (SCI三区, IF = 3.361)
[14] Jungu Xu, Jiehua Wang, Aydar Rakhmatullin, Sandra Ory, Alberto J. Fernández-Carrión, Huaibo Yi, Xiaojun Kuang*, and Mathieu Allix*, Interstitial Oxide Ion Migration Mechanism in Aluminate Melilite La1+xCa1–xAl3O7+0.5x Ceramics Synthesized by Glass Crystallization, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019, 2(4), 2878-2888. (SCI二区, IF =6.024)
[15] Huaibo Yi, Yun Lv, Victoria Mattick*, Jungu Xu*, Cobalt-doped Ca12Al14O33 mayenite oxide ion conductors: phases, defects, and electrical properties, Ionics, 2019, 25(11): 5105-5115. (SCI三区, IF =2.817)
[16] Jungu Xu, Yanchang Li, Lijia Zhou, Xin Tang*, and Xiaojun Kuang*, Chemical Bonding Effect on the Incorporation and Conduction of Interstitial Oxide Ions in Gallate Melilites, Advanced Theory and Simulations, 2019, 1900069. DOI: 10.1002/adts.201900069. (SCI三区, IF =4.004)
[17] Lijia Zhou, Shipeng Geng, Xue Fang, Jungu Xu*, Synthesis, phases, structures, and electrical properties of melilite-type La1+xSr1−xGa3S6O1+0.5x materials, Ionics, 2019, 26(1), 273-279. (SCI三区, IF =2.817)
[18] Yanchang Li, Huaibo Yi, Jungu Xu*, Xiaojun Kuang, High oxide ion conductivity in the Bi3+ doped melilite LaSrGa3O7, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 740, 143-147. (SCI二区Top, IF = 5.316)
[19] Jungu Xu, Yanchang Li, Jiehua Wang, Hongliang Bao, Jianqiang Wang, Changli Zhu, Lingting Ye, Kui Xie, Xiaojun Kuang*, High Oxide Ion Conduction in Molten Na2W2O7, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2018, 4(12), 1800352. (SCI二区, IF = 7.295)
[20] Jungu Xu, Jiehua Wang, Xin Tang, Xiaojun Kuang,* Matthew J. Rosseinsky, La1+xBa1−xGa3O7+0.5x Oxide Ion Conductor: Cationic Size Effect on the Interstitial Oxide Ion Conductivity in Gallate Melilites, Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 56, 6897-6905. (SCI一区, IF = 5.165)
[21] Jungu Xu*, Shuaibo Liu, Quanchao Wang, Junshu Xiaofeng, Xiaohui Li, Xiaojun Kuang*, Phase formation and conductivity degration of Sr1-xKxSiO3-0.5x ionic conductors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 6313–6318. (SCI一区Top, 封面文章, IF = 12.732)
[22] Jungu Xu, Xiaohui Li, Fengqi Lu, Hui Fu, Crag M. Brown, Xiaojun Kuang*, Oxygen interstitials and vacancies in LaSrGa3O7-based melilites, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2015, 230, 309-317. (SCI三区, IF=3.498)
[23] Xiaohui Li, Jungu Xu*, Junshu Xiaofeng, Xiaojun Kuang, Synthesis, structure, and electrical property of Ce1−xSr1+xGa3O7−δ, Advances in Materials Science & Engineering, 2015, DOI: org/10.1155/2015/249348. (SCI四区, IF = 1.726)
[24] Jungu Xu, Xiaoming Wang, Hui Fu, Craig M. Brown, Xiping Jing, Fuhui Liao, Fengqi Lu, Xiaohui Li, Xiaojun Kuang*, Mingmei Wu*, Solid-state 29Si NMR and neutron-diffraction studies of Sr0.7K0.3SiO2.85 oxide ion conductors, Inorganic Chemistry, 2014, 53, 5962-5968. (SCI二区Top期刊, IF = 5.165)
[25] Jungu Xu, Xiaojun Kuang*, Emmanuel Véron, Mathieu Allix, Matthew R. Suchomel, Florence Porcher, Chaolun Liang, Fengjuan Pan, Mingmei Wu*, Localization of oxygen interstitials in CeSrGa3O7+δ Melilite, Inorganic Chemistry, 2014, 53, 11589-11597. (SCI二区Top期刊, IF = 5.165)