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宁广蓉 讲师
日期:2023-12-02 作者: 编辑: 点击数:


宁广蓉,女,汉族,1973年4月生, 湖南衡阳人,硕士,讲师



Present  Western University, Department of Earth Sciences, PhD Candidate in Geology

2007.8 – 2009.5 Northern Illinois University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Master course study of Science in Applied Probability and Statistics

2001.3 - 2003.1 Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Department of Electronic Science and Technology, PhD course study in Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics

1996.9 – 1999.6  Guilin Institute of Technology, Department of Resource Engineering, Master Engineering in Minerals Survey and Exploration

1990.9 – 1994.7  Guilin Institute of Technology, Department of Resource Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering in Gem and Technique




1999 - Guilin University of Technology, Lecturer

2009.5 - 2009.8 University of Western Ontario, Research Assistant

2008 - 2009 Northern Illinois University, Graduate Teaching Assistant

2003 - 2007 University of Western Ontario,Graduate Research Assistant

2003 - 2006 University of Western Ontario,Teaching Assistant

1994 - 1996 Gin Yuan (Guilin) Jewelry Conglomerate, Assistant Engineer




G. Ning and R. L. Flemming. Rietveld refinement of LaB6: data from μXRD, J. Appl. Cryst. (2005), 38, 757 - 759.


Oral presentation in GAC - MAC - CSPG - CSSS Joint Meeting: Rietveld refinement of LaB6: data from micro-XRD ( Halifax, NS, Canada, May 15 - 18, 2005)


Ning, G. (2005). New “Multiframes” method for obtaining Rietveld-quality micro X-ray diffraction data from the Bruker D8 Discover Diffractometer: Example from LaB6. Bruker Advanced X-ray Solutions, 31 - 36.


Zhu, Bin; Wu, Bolin; Cheng, Xiaowen; Zhong, Lianyun; Ning, Guangrong; Ou, Jun. Study on processing of microcrystalline alumina ceramic envelope. Guilin Gongxueyuan Xuebo (2003), 23(2), 174-176.


Li, Shaoping; Zou, Xuecheng; Chen, Zhenxian; Li, Xingjiao; Xu, Jingping; Wang, Ningzhang; Chen,  Tao; Bao, Junbo; Ning, Guangrong. The Au/BIT/PZT/BIT/p-Si(100) Memory. Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics, 2002, Vol. 24(6): 440 - 444.


Dongsheng Li, Guangrong Ning, et al. Enhancement of Natural Tektite, Style Designing and Cutting, Journal of Gem and Gemology, 2000, Vol.2(4): 47-50, also included in the First International Jewelry Academic Conference in China, Wuhan, 2000.


Guangrong Ning, Huacong Cai. Metal Material Application in New Type Jewelry Design and Fabrication, Jewelry Science and Technology (Translation), 2000, Vol.12 (1): 19-22.


Li, D. & Guangrong Ning. The Effect of Diamond Clarity Grading on Chinese Diamond Market, Jewelry Science and Technology, 1999, Vol.11 (4): 38-39.


Li, D., Ning, G. & Liu, G. (1999). A Probe into a  New Lapidary Adhesives, Jewelry Science and Technology, 11(4): 34-35.


2009.05 - 2009.08  Mineralogy of Earth and Planetary Materials and Synthetic Analogues, Supported by NSERC, project team member

2003.1 - 2007.8

● Rietveld Refinement, and Microdiffraction of Minerals, and Geological Applications, Supported by Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), project team member

● X-ray Diffraction and Microdiffraction FacilitySupported by Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Funding, participant

● Ontario Innovation Trust (OIT), participant


2001.3 - 2003.1 Fundamental study of long maintaining non-destructive readout ferroelectric memory, Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (59972010), participant




Synthesis of material in deep earth; Statistical analysis of geological data; Micro-scale spectroscopy; Computational geochemistry; Phase diagram; Ore deposit; Gemstone morphology; Gem cutting



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