1. 国家自然科学青年基金(52003064):二维光热共轭聚合物双交联温敏凝胶用于乳腺癌术后防复发-促再生研究(2020.01-2022.12)(主持在研)
2. 广西自然科学基金面上项目(2021GXNSFAA075016):基于双重动态交联仿生构筑NIR光响应温敏凝胶用于术后抗乳腺癌研究(2021.04-2024.03)(主持在研)
3. 广西自然科学基金面上项目(2020GXNSFAA159009):聚多巴胺超分子水凝胶的构筑及其光热/化疗联合抗肿瘤研究(2020.07-2023.07)(主持在研)
4. 广西自然科学青年基金(2016GXNSFBA380009):层层自组装法构筑剑麻基阻燃复合材料SFMC(POSS/PA)n及性能研究,2016/09-2019/08(主持结题)
1. Shiqing Lai‡, Yufei Shi‡, Weilian Wu, Bowen Wei, Chanjuan Liu*, Li Zhou, Xiaohua Huang*. Highly soluble fluorinated polyimides with promising gas transport performance and optical transparency. Polymer Chemistry, 2023, 14, 359-373.(二区Top,IF=5.36)
2. Xiaohua Huang, Lei Tang, Lin Xu, Yu Zhang, Guangyao Li, Weiling Peng, Xiaolu Guo*, Li Zhou, Chanjuan Liu*, Xing-Can Shen. A NIR-II light-modulated injectable self-healing hydrogel for synergistic photothermal/chemodynamic/chemo-therapy of melanoma and wound healing promotion. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2022, 10, 7717-7773.(二区Top,IF=7.57)
3. Weilian Wu, Hongchao Niu, Shiqing Lai, Chanjuan Liu*, Li Zhou, Xiaohua Huang*. Synthesis, characterization, and gas separation properties of novel fluorinated co-polyimides with bulky side groups. Polymer, 2022, 257, 125273.(二区,IF=4.43)
4. Chanjuan Liu, Xiaolu Guo, Changping Ruan, Hailu Hu, Bangping Jiang, Hong Liang, Xingcan Shen. An injectable thermosensitive photothermal-network hydrogel for near-infrared-triggered drug delivery and synergistic photothermal-chemotherapy, Acta Biomaterialia, 2019, 96: 281-294.(一区Top,IF=10.63)
5. Changping Ruan‡, Chanjuan Liu‡, Hailu Hu, Xiao-Lu Guo, Bang-Ping Jiang, Hong Liang and Xing-Can Shen*. NIR-II light-modulated thermosensitive hydrogel for light-triggered cisplatin release and repeatable chemo-photothermal therapy. Chemical Science, 2019, 10: 4699-4706.(共同第一作者,一区Top,IF=9.97)
6. Chanjuan Liu, Changping Ruan, Rui Shi, Bang-Ping Jiang, Shichen Ji and Xing-Can Shen*. A near infrared-modulated thermosensitive hydrogel for stabilization of indocyanine green and combinatorial anticancer phototherapy. Biomaterials Science, 2019, 7: 1705-1715.(二区,IF=7.59)
7. Xiaohua Huang*, Beicai Chen, Mei Mei, Hua Li, Chanjuan Liu*, Chun Wei. Synthesis and characterization of organosoluble, thermal stable and hydrophobic polyimides derived from 4-(4-(pyrrolidinyl)phenyl)-2,6-bis(4-(4-aminophenoxy) phenyl) pyridine. Polymers, 2017, 9(10), 484.(二区,IF=4.97)
8. Chanjuan Liu, Mei Mei, Xianglin Pei, Xiaohua Huang*, Chun Wei. Aromatic Polyimides with Tertbutyl-substituted and Pendent Naphthalene units: Synthesis, Soluble, Transparent Properties. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2015, 33(8), 1074-1085.(二区,IF=3.82)
9. Chanjuan Liu, Xianglin Pei, Xiaohua Huang*, Chun Wei, Xiaoyi Sun*. Novel Non-coplanar and Tertbutyl-substituted Polyimides: Solubility, Optical, Thermal and Dielectric Properties. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 33(2), 277-284.(二区,IF=5.56)
10. Xiaohua Huang*, Xianglin Pei, Lichun Wang, Mei Mei, Chanjuan Liu*, Chun Wei. Design and synthesis of organosoluble and transparent polyimides containing bulky substituents and non-coplanar structures. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016, 133(14), 43266-43274.
11. Chanjuan Liu, Mei Mei, Limin Zang*, Huanfu Zhou, Xiaohua Huang*, Chun Wei. Highly Thermally Stable, Organosoluble, and Hydrophobic Polyimides with Pyrrolidinylphenyl Pendant Groups and Pyridine Units, Macromolecular Research, 2019, 27(3): 232-237.
12. Chanjuan Liu, Hua Li, Mei Mei, Yuqi Li*, Chun Wei, Xiaohua Huang*. Thermal, soluble, and hydrophobic properties of polyimides derived from 4-(4-diethylamino)phenyl-2,6-bis(4-(4-aminophenoxy)phenyl)pyridine. Journal of Polymer Research, 2019, 26: 100.
13. Xiaohua Huang*, Hua Li, Chanjuan Liu*, Chun Wei. Design and synthesis of high heat resistant, soluble, and hydrophobic fluorinated polyimides containing pyridine and trifluoromethylthiophenyl units. High Performance Polymers, 2019, 31(1): 107-115.
14. Chanjuan Liu, Xianglin Pei, Mei Mei, Guoquan Chou, Xiaohua Huang*, Chun Wei. Synthesis and characterization of organosoluble, transparent and hydrophobic fluorinated polyimides derived from 3,3′-diisopropyl-4,4′-diaminodiphenyl-4′′-trifluoromethyltoluene. High Performance Polymers, 2016, 28(10): 1114-1123.
15. 黄孝华, 牛红超, 刘婵娟*, 韦春. (壳聚糖-聚磷酸铵)/剑麻纤维素微晶层层自组装复合材料的热性能和阻燃性能. 复合材料学报, 2020, 37(2): 260-266.(EI收录)
1. 刘婵娟,牛红超,黄孝华,韦春,徐旭. 一种剑麻基CH/APP层层自组装阻燃材料及其制备方法,2018-12-26,中国,申请号:ZL 201811538423.3
2. 刘婵娟,牛红超,黄孝华,韦春,徐旭. 纳米剑麻基SFMC(A/B)n层层自组装阻燃复合材料及其制备方法,2018-12-26,中国,申请号:ZL 201811538427.1
3. 刘婵娟,牛红超,黄孝华,韦春,徐旭. 剑麻纤维素微晶CH/APP层层自组装阻燃材料及其制备方法,2018-12-26,中国,申请号:ZL 201811538430.3
4. 黄孝华,梅媚,刘婵娟,韦春. 含叔丁基和吗啉基结构的可溶性聚酰亚胺及其制备方法,申请日:2015-06-29,中国,申请号:ZL 201510368072.6;授权日:2017-6-30,授权号:CN 104927054 B
5. 黄孝华,梅媚,刘婵娟,韦春. 含叔丁基和十八烷氧基结构的聚酰亚胺及其制备方法,2015-06-29,中国,申请号:ZL 201510368109.5;授权日:2017-6-30,授权号:CN 105017532 B
1. 2021年伟德国际1946bv官网“欣羽优秀人才发展奖”;
2. 2021年伟德国际1946bv官网第十六届 “十佳青年授课教师”;
3. 2020年入选广西高等学校千名中青年骨干教师计划;
4. 2020年伟德国际1946bv官网本科毕业论文“十佳指导教师”;
5. 伟德国际1946bv官网2014-2015学年度“优秀班主任”。