2009/09-2013/06 武汉工程大学 无机非金属材料工程 工学学士
2013/09-2016/06 伟德国际1946bv官网 材料科学与工程 工学硕士
2016/09-2019/12 华中科技大学 微电子学与固体电子学 工学博士
2019/12-2021/11 伟德国际1946bv官网 伟德国际1946bv官网 团队博士后
2021/11至今 伟德国际1946bv官网 伟德国际1946bv官网 副教授
迄今已在Journal of the European Ceramic Society、Journal of the American Ceramic Society、Ceramics International等国际学术期刊上发表SCI论文50余篇,其中以第一作者、通讯作者发表SCI论文28篇。部分论文如下:
1. Jie Li*, Ying Tang*, Zhiwei Zhang, Weishuang Fang, Laiyuan Ao, Aihong Yang, Laijun Liu, and Liang Fang*, Two novel garnet Sr3B2Ge3O12 (B = Yb, Ho) microwave dielectric ceramics with low permittivity and high Q, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 41 (2021) 1317–1323.
2. Jie Li*, Zhiwei Zhang, Yunfei Tian, Laiyuan Ao, Junqi Chen, Aihong Yang, Congxue Su, Laijun Liu, Ying Tang* and Liang Fang*, Crystal structure and microwave dielectric properties of a novel rock-salt type Li3MgNbO5 ceramic, Journal of Material Science (2020) 55:15643–15652.
3. Jie Li, Xuekai Lan, Fei Wang, Jun Fan, Wenzhong Lu, Wen Lei*. Impedance spectroscopy and dielectric properties of BaAl(2−2x)(Zn0.5Ti0.5)2xO4 ceramics, Ceramics International, 2020, 46, 1830–1835.
4. Jie Li, Xuekai Lan, Kang Du, Xiaoqiang Song, Wenzhong Lu, Guifen Fan, Wen Lei*. Crystal structure and temperature dependence of permittivity in barium aluminate based solid solutions. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019, 102(12), 7480–7490.
5. Jie Li, Xuekai Lan, Kang Du, Xiaoqiang Song, Wenzhong Lu, Xiaohong Wang, Wen Lei*. Ultrabroad temperature stability of stuffed tridymite-type BaAl2O4 co-doped by [Zn0.5Ti0.5]3+ with weak ferroelectricity. Ceramics International, 2019, 45(17), 22493–22497.
6. Jie Li, Xuekai Lan, Xiaoqiang Song, Wenzhong Lu, Xiaohong Wang, Feng Shi, Wen Lei*. Crystal structures, dielectric properties and ferroelectricity in stuffed tridymite-type BaAl(2−2x)(Zn0.5Si0.5)2xO4 solid solutions, Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48, 3625 – 3634.
7. Jie Li, Liang Fang*, Hao Luo, Ying Tang, Chunchun Li*. Structure and microwave dielectric properties of a novel temperature stable low-firing Ba2LaV3O11 ceramic. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2016, 36(8): 2143-2148.
8. Jie Li, Liang Fang*, Jibran Khaliq, Ying Tang, Chunchun Li*. Li4WO5: a temperature stable low-firing microwave dielectric ceramic with rock salt structure. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2016, 36(1): 243-246.
9. Jie Li, Chunchun Li, Zhenhai Wei, Ying Tang, Congxue Su, Liang Fang*. Microwave dielectric properties of a low‐firing Ba2BiV3O11 ceramic. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2015, 98(3): 683-686.
10. Mingxin Liu, Jie Li*, Ying Tang, Junqi Chen, Laiyuan Ao, Alin Cao*, Liang Fang*, Tunability of τf in garnet-structured Y3Ga5O12 microwave dielectric ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021, 41(15) 7711–7716.
11. Feihu Li, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Laiyuan Ao, Yu Wang, Xiangguang Zhao, Liang Fang*, Effect of A-site cation on crystal structure and microwave dielectric properties of AGe4O9 (A = Ba, Sr) ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021, 41(7): 4153-4159.
12. Qianbiao Du, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Aihong Yang, Junqi Chen, Liang Fang*, A low-ɛr and high-Q microwave dielectric ceramic Li2SrSiO4 with abnormally low sintering temperature, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021 41(15) 7678-7682.
13. Ying Tang, Huan Li, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Yang Yang, Zhiyuan Zhang, Liang Fang*, Relationship between Rattling Mg2+ ions and anomalous microwave dielectric behavior in Ca3-xMg1+xLiV3O12 ceramics with garnet structure, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021, 41 (15) 7697-7702.
14. Jinyan Ma, Junqi Chen, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Yimin Dai, Liang Fang*, Chemical bond and microwave dielectric properties of two novel low-er AGa4O7 (A = Ca, Sr) ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2022, 42 (2) 478-484.
15. Aihong Yang, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Qianbiao Du, Zhiwei Zhang, Junqi Chen, Zijian Yang, Laiyuan Ao, Liang Fang*, Structure and infrared reflectivity spectra of novel Mg3Ga2GeO8 microwave dielectric ceramic with high Q, Ceramics International, 2021, 47(2): 2450-2455.
16. Yu Wang, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Shiyao Shen, Feihu Li, Lian Duan, Ming Qin, Liang Fang*, Microwave dielectric properties of silico-carnotite Ca3M2Si3O12 (M= Yb, Y) ceramics synthesized via high energy ball milling, Ceramics International, 2021, 47(4): 4831-4837.
17. ZijianYang,YingTang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, JinyanMa, Xiangguang Zhao, LiangFang*, Two low-εr phenakite-structure LiAGeO4 (A = Al, Ga) microwave dielectric ceramics with different structure ordering, Ceramics International, 2021, 47(8): 11022-11028.
18. Zijian Yang, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, JinYan Ma, Aihong Yang, Laijun Liu, Liang Fang*. Crystal structure, Raman spectra and microwave dielectric properties of novel low-temperature cofired ceramic Li4GeO4. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 867(25): 159059.
19. Weishuang Fang, Laiyuan Ao, Ying Tang, Jie Li*, Yihua Sun, Liang Fang, Improving the microwave dielectric properties of Ga2[LiGa3]O8 inverse spinel by enhancing B-site ordering degree, Ceramics International, 2022, 48 (1) 896-902.
20. Shiyao Shen, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, LaiYuan Ao, Xiangguang Zhao, Liang Fang*, Cation distribution and bond energy of intermediate spinel Mg(Zn0.5Ti0.5)2xGa(2-2x)O4 microwave dielectric ceramics, Ceramics International, 2021, 47 (23) 33731-33737.
21. Xiangguang Zhao, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Laiyuan Ao, Shiyao shen, Liang Fang*, The structure evolution and lattice energy of spinel-structured Li(Mg0.5Ti0.5)xGa5-xO8 microwave dielectric ceramics, Ceramics International, 2021, 47 (22) 31732-31739.
22. Junqi Chen, Weishuang Fang, YingTang*, Jie Li*, LiangFang*, Effects of LiF addition on the densification and microwave dielectric properties of LiInO2 ceramics, Ceramics International, 2021, 47 (20) 28960-28967.
23. Ying Tang, Zhiwei Zhang, Jie Li*, Mingyu Xu, Yifan Zhai, Lian Duan, Congxue Su, Laijun Liu, Yihua Sun, Liang Fang*, A3Y2Ge3O12 (A = Ca, Mg): Two novel microwave dielectric ceramics with contrasting τf and Q×f, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40(12): 3989-3995.
24. Laiyuan Ao, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Lian Duan, Congxue Su, Yihua Sun, Laijun Liu, Liang Fang*, Structure characterization and microwave dielectric properties of LiGa5O8 ceramic with low-εr, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40(15): 5498-5503.
25. Mingyang Yu, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Lian Duan, Liang Fang*, Microwave dielectric properties and chemical compatibility with alumina electrode of two novel ultra-low temperature firing ATeMoO6 (A = Mg, Zn) ceramics, Ceramics International, 2020, 46(16): 25619-25625.
26. Yifan Zhai, Ying Tanga*, Jie Li*, Lian Duan, Congxue Su, Alin Cao, Changyi Jin, Liang Fang*, Structure, Raman spectra and properties of two low-εr microwave dielectric ceramics Ca3B2Ge3O12 (B = Al, Ga), Ceramics International, 2020, 46 (18): 28710-28715.
27. Weishuang Fang, Laiyuan Ao, Ying Tang, Jie Li*, Huaicheng Xiang, Zhiwei Zhang, Qianbiao Du, Liang Fang, Phase evolution and microwave dielectric properties of the Li2(1+x)ZnGe3O8 spinel oxides, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020, 31: 13496-13502.
28. Jinwu Chen, Liang Fang*, Jie Li*, Ying Tang, Kai Cheng, Yijie Cao, Packing fraction, bond valence and crystal structure of AVO4 (A = Eu, Y) microwave dielectric ceramics with low permittivity, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020, 31: 19180-19187.
1. 李洁,唐莹,方亮,可低温烧结微波介电陶瓷Li2MgNb2O7及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201410297891.1。(授权日:2016.03.02)
2. 李洁,李纯纯,方亮,可低温烧结的低介电常数微波介质陶瓷Ca3Y4V2O14,专利号:ZL201410501537.6。(授权日:2016.04.06)
3. 李洁,李纯纯,苏和平,超低介电常数微波介电陶瓷Li3NdWO6及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201410565608.9。(授权日:2016.03.02)
4. 李洁,唐莹,方亮,可低温烧结微波介电陶瓷Li2Zn3WO7及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201410237949.3。(授权日:2016.01.13)
5. 李洁,李纯纯,苏和平,超低介电常数微波介电陶瓷Li2Bi3V7O23及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201410548164.8。(授权日:2016.04.06)
6. 李洁,李纯纯,苏和平,超低介电常数微波介电陶瓷Li2Zn2Si2O7及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201410618915.9。(授权日:2016.05.18)