2004至今 伟德国际1946bv官网 无机非金属材料教研室,教师
1995/08-2001/08年 云南思茅红塔木业有限公司,技术员
1) Jinyun He, Yulin Liu, Ming Wang, Yanwu Wang, Fei Long*, Ionic liquid-hydrothermal synthesis of Z-scheme BiOBr/Bi2WO6 heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 865: 158760.
2) Jinyun He, Qi Yu, Yunpeng Zhou, Yanwu Wang*, Fei Long*, Rare earth ion Yb3+ doping of Bi2WO6 with excellent visible-light photocatalytic activity, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. 2020, 35: 348-355.
3) 赵炜迪,何金云*,王燕舞*,龙飞,彭代江,邹正光,稀土离子Tm3+掺杂Bi2WO6的可见光催化性能[J]. 无机化学学报,2018,34(2):359-366.
4) 何金云,彭代江*,王燕舞*,龙飞,邹正光,具有氧空位BixWO6 (1.81≤x≤2.01)的第一性原理计算和光催化性能研究,物理学报,2018,066801.
5) 何金云,彭代江*,王燕舞*,赵炜迪,龙飞,邹正光,稀土离子Er3+掺杂Bi2WO6的第一性原理计算及可见光催化性能研究,人工晶体学报,2018,4:865-872.(核心期刊)
6) Jinyun He, Fei Long*, Daijiang Peng, Xiaoli Wu, Shuyi Mo, Zhengguang Zou, Ribbon-like Cu doped V6O13 as Cathode Material for High-performance Lithium Ion Batteries, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. 2017, 32: 1397-1401.
7) Jinyun He*, Fei Long, Zhengguang Zou, Weimin Wang, Zhengyi Fu, Hydrothermal synthesis and electrochemical performance of Mn-doped V6O13 as cathode material for lithium-ion battery, Ionics, 2015, 21: 995-1001.
8) Jinyun He, Weimin Wang*, Zhengguang Zou, Fei Long, Zhengyi Fu, Solvothermal synthesis and electrochemical performance of rod-like V6O13 as cathode material for lithium ion battery, Journal of Electroceramics, 2014, 32: 276-282.
9) Jinyun He*, Weimin Wang, Zhengguang Zou, Fei Long, Zhengyi Fu, Solvothermal synthesis and electrochemical performance of Ag-doped V6O13 as cathode material for lithium-ion battery, Ionics, 2014, 20: 1063-1070.
10) Jinyun He, WeiminWang, Linlang Zhang, Zhengguang Zou, Zhengyi Fu, Zhe Xu, Morphology controlled synthesis and characterization of Bi2WO6 Photocatalysts, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. 2013, 28 (2): 231-234.
11) Jinyun He*,WeiminWang*, Fei Long, Zhengguang Zou, Zhengyi Fu, Zhe Xu, Hydrothermal synthesis of hierarchical rose-like Bi2WO6 microspheres with high photocatalytic activities under visible-light irradiation, Materials Science and Engineering B, 2012, 177: 967-974.